Univerity of Malaga

The European Topic Centre on Spatial Analysis and Synthesis (ETC-UMA) is an international research centre within the University of Malaga supporting since 2011 the development of knowledge to feed evidence-based policy. The team has a wide expertise in a range of environmental and socio-economic domains. Its major areas of expertise include land management, ecosystem services, coastal and marine studies, environmental conservation, territorial development, resource efficiency, and soil mapping.

Addressing Climate Change, Biodiversity Loss and Habitat Degradation Towards a Sustainable Management of European Wetlands

What is the potential of wetlands? How can multiple challenges such as climate mitigation and adaptation, biodiversity conservation, disaster risk reduction and other threats to ecosystem services be tackled to foster mutually reinforcing actions and enhance co-benefits from wetland restoration?All major European Union (EU) policies recognise the key role of wetlands to achieve the EU…