MedWet has opened the recruitment of 1 (one) position – Request of Offer for an external service provider | Graphic Design of a Stakeholder Map, in the scope of RESTORE4Cs‘ WP2 – D2.1 Report with detailed ECoP technical implementation and development roadmap – “Modelling RESTORation of wEtlands for Carbon pathways, Climate Change mitigation and adaptation, ecosystem services, and biodiversity, Co-benefits”, (Grant Agreement 101056782), funded by the European Commission, Call HORIZON-CL5-2021-D1-01.
In RESTORE4Cs, MedWet is in charge of developing a strategic vision for engaging with key stakeholders involved in the restoration of wetlands. This ‘multi-actor approach’ will include stakeholders from different levels (from local to national and European) and will build the basis of a European Community of Practice (ECoP, WP2).
By February 2024, MedWet and Wageningen University & Research will deliver a report with a roadmap for the development of the Community of Practice. In this report, MedWet intends to include a detailed chart showing all stakeholders involved.
To support WP2 and D2.1 (led by MedWet) a graphic designer will be in charge of producing a visual representation of the map of stakeholders (e.g. a tree chart) that includes the members of the European Community of Practice (ECoP). Together with the MedWet project team (in charge of the ECoP coordination), the consultant will work to find the most intuitive way of representing:
- The different levels of the ECoP (local, subnational, national, European);
- The stakeholders involved in each level;
- The linkages between the different stakeholders and levels.
The final result can take up from 1 to 3 pages (A4) and it should return a clear image of the structure of the community and the multi-actor approach with high-quality visuals and a good level of detail. The text, including the names of the different stakeholders and levels, will be provided by MedWet.
Format: the final product shall be provided in vectorial and .pdf format, and must be easy to read in A4 size.
Delivery of the final chart: 22 February 2024.
The consultant is expected to show flexibility in meeting the demands and deadlines of the project. Given the scientific character of the content, the consultant will also be provided some technical explanations allowing to illustrate complex concepts.
Contractual and Financial Terms:
The designer undertakes to carry out this work before 22 February 2024.
The designer shall be paid in 2 instalments with a first deposit of 50% and a balance of 50% on delivery of the final document => one full sum upon work completion.
The invoice will specify the reference of the Horizon Europe Project and the designation of the completed task. The payment term will be of 15 days after the invoice date (bank account details should be detailed). The tax legislation in force at the date of acceptance of the offer will be applied. The financial offer must should be presented in the table at the end of this document. The financial offer for the services must not exceed 1500 euros.
Deadline: 18:00 (CET) of 18 January 2024